Predicting the Ending of the Next Fast & Furious Movie, Based on the Recent Trailer
VIN DIESEL and the GANG enjoy an intimate backyard barbecue following their ordeal. JOHN CENA sheepishly approaches. CENA: Gee, bro, I...
The ramblings of a wannabe cineaste. Join me as I dissect the art of storytelling in films, comics, TV shows, and video games.
VIN DIESEL and the GANG enjoy an intimate backyard barbecue following their ordeal. JOHN CENA sheepishly approaches. CENA: Gee, bro, I...
Although I’m still recovering from a severe cold, I ventured out to Village East Cinema to catch a screening of Keiichi Hara’s The...
My brother gifted me a one-year subscription to the Criterion Channel for Christmas, and since I was stuck in bed with a nasty cold all...
Hypothesis: Michael Crichton’s Westworld had an enormous impact on the trajectory of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s career. Exhibit A: Yul...
Characters created by H. P. Lovecraft tend to be driven irrevocably mad by incomprehensible cosmic knowledge. Nicolas Cage excels at...
[The following essay contains SPOILERS; you have been warned!] Both fans and critics of Netflix’s recent adaptation of Andrzej...
[WARNING: This review may contain VERY MINOR SPOILERS!] Ventured out to IFC Center to catch a screening of Weathering with You, yet...
[WARNING: MAJOR STAR WARS SPOILERS BELOW!] Return of the Jedi’s controversial revelation that Leia was actually Luke’s twin sister all...
[The following essay contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Sam Mendes’ 1917; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!] While Sam Mendes’ 1917 has earned...
[The following essay may contain MINOR SPOILERS for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Infinity War, and...
I’m an unapologetic fan of The Phantom Menace (though I must confess that I used to be a bit embarrassed to admit it). In the past, I...
1917 is a breathtaking technical achievement. Producing a “single-take” movie (even one as obviously stitched-together as this—not a...
[The following essay contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Spider-Man: Homecoming, The Wolverine, and Avengers: Endgame; you have been warned!]...
Well, after roughly 117 hours, I have finally conquered Persona 5. My initial impression still stands: this is one of the most...
Started playing Persona 5 on the PS4. I’m only a few hours deep, but I’m digging it so far. In terms of gameplay, it follows the classic...
[The following review contains VERY MINOR SPOILERS; you have been warned!] Much like the cosmos itself, developer Mobius Digital’s Outer...
[The following post contains MAJOR SPOILERS and a whole lot of FANBOY WHINING; consider yourself warned!] The Rise of Skywalker improves...
Now that the dust from the holiday season has settled, I’d like to give the old year a proper sendoff. Rather than compiling a generic...
The taciturn remnant of a near-extinct tribe of warriors that prefers to work alone, but nevertheless inadvertently assembles a makeshift...
The Mandalorian represents everything that I love about Star Wars. From the shadowy hallways of Jabba the Hutt’s palace to the bustling...